티스토리 뷰

He went on rising for three consecutive weeks march on a weekly basis. Initially the market did not hang the stars expected this earnings season. Financial market information company "Fact Set '(FactSet) were expected first quarter earnings of S & P 500 affiliated companies decreased 4.2% YoY. Reduced profits for the companies in the first quarter of 10005, 2016

Rising it closed. This significant increase in sales and the share price of aenbi Guardia and semiconductor manufacturers led the index rise. The Dow Jones industrial average closed 148.23 points compared to the previous trading day (0.58%) rose 20,000 5702.89. Standard and Poor's (S & P) 500 index finished transaction to point 19.40 (0.69%) compared to the day before the right 2810.92.

After the closing plenary meeting "never stopped the Central American trade talks" at a press conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing said "hope to reap the mutual win-win outcomes, and it is also the expectation of the world," he said. He said, "The big trend, but the ups and downs and hardships in the future out of the past 40 years showed no change" for the US-China relationship. Wednesday, according to China's official Xinhua news agency, China ryuheo

Deputy Prime Minister and Robert Wright of the US high-low USTR (US Trade Representative) Representative Stephen moire nusin Finance Minister discussed the recent trade agreement with the phone. South China Morning Post, "US-China bilateral reported yirwotdago more specific progress on new trade agreements. Donald Trump day before US President:" We will hear the news about China, "said," Either way, the next 3-4 weeks know will be, "he said. ◇ as" Breck sheet smoke 'in order

On the other hand, Korea relies for over 20% of the KOSPI Samsung Electronics and a situation that the KOSPI will continue to come and go according to the semiconductor industry. South Korea stock market competitiveness is a major cause of poor. The United States and less affected by the economic flow of so-called "4th industrial Revolution" leader, but they were leading, Korea Stock Exchange, except Naver has such a higher market cap top 10

Deseo who would keep the interest rate low interest rates and expanded the retention period. The doves (monetary preferred) than I expected, but ECB launched the transformation of the market has accepted it rather as a global economic slowdown suggests. (...) From this week (September 2 to 6) with the main New York stock markets to gauge the economic situation in the US August employment, etc.

Since the 3.8% elongation dropped to low levels in 10 years. The market was analyzed to sluggish semiconductor and automotive production significantly affected crazy. However, the combined department stores and hypermarkets, such as online sales, retail sales of social consumer goods grew by 8.2% yoy.

About 2% showed upward momentum. Conveyed the news that an agreement with Qualcomm in the inexpensive proceedings before Apple's selection of low royalties. Accordingly, Qualcomm was trading closing price of the shares jumped over 15 percent, Apple 0.5% higher than the previous day. Economic indicators

This does not seem innovators. The same gap is evaluated that innovative companies are emerging due to the tough South Korea economic and policy environment. It is typically a car-sharing service "ride" is being well-run gotta get a pop up investigation to the prosecution of "illegal operation" concluded the brake jammed growth. Korea enterprise in China and the United States chiyigo sidalrimyeo excessive government regulation

As explained, the issue is punctuated again, giving a negative impact on investor sentiment also likely to be excluded and are a burden on the domestic market, Japan, South Korea in the white list (white state) "(...) Source: 0.14 According to Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Ali Baba in a report to the New York Stock Exchange in Hong Kong
