티스토리 뷰

Chen called the Catholic religion because I think I'm gonna cathedral wedding geukhyeom ... Chen, today (13th) Cathedral standing wedding ... This spring is father Chen's wife is reportedly pregnant somehow entered a 7 Month. This spring, Chen is the father of one son. Chen cathedral fans who attend are there to know? And ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅅㅂ dolatna I know the seniors sing a song while I woke up Cathedral Wedding sat scared and continued long beyond

Himdeum blah ㅋㅋㅋ seniors also true narcissism knew you later on blah ㅋㅋㅋ 13 days, according to acquaintances Chen posted a wedding and a non-celebrity girlfriend in a day's Cathedral. Agency SM Entertainment in the day, Chen said, will play a wedding in a state to meet the precious Chen attended only ambivalent relationship family. Chen was released the same day the handwritten letter and announced the news of the marriage and premarital pregnancy wife. Chen's wife is reportedly pregnant somehow entered a 7 Month. This spring, Chen is the father of one son. Chen told the members haejun "heard through a handwritten letter to congratulate

Thankful giving fans send an undeserved lack of love for me knock many who deeply grateful. I will always love you sent us return for not forgetting gratitude committed in place unchanged, "he said Source:. #_Enliple According to the Korea Sports Economy = 13 days Jung Jin Young reporters Chen acquaintances and non-celebrity girlfriend in a day's Cathedral posted a wedding. the agency SM Entertainment in the day, Chen said, will play a wedding in a state of Chen attended the meeting only valuable relationship ambivalence family. Chen is a handwritten letter on the same day

Public and announced the news of the marriage and premarital pregnancy wife. Chen's wife is reportedly pregnant somehow entered a 7 Month. This spring, Chen is the father of one son. Chen through a handwritten letter, "to hear the news gives fans sent to the members haejun Congratulations to the undeserved love me thankful pats lack many who deeply grateful. Do not forget always grateful committed in place unchanged
